Pomfret VT Real Estate


Enjoy small-town living in scenic Pomfret VT (named due to the first settlers relocating from Pomfret, CT) nestled on the watershed divide between the White River and Ottauquechee River, on the northern border of Woodstock VT. Real estate opportunities include multi-acre lots with historic Federal-style homes, comfortable contemporary homes, and large beautiful lots waiting for you to build your own dream home. Many properties border conservation land, guaranteeing scenic outlooks that will last a lifetime.

Pomfret shares a consolidated elementary school with Bridgewater, while older students attend nearby Woodstock Middle School and High School. Educating students in grades K through 6, the school has strong community support and maintains a wide variety of community connections.  Small classes and expert, caring teachers ensure that every child is given individual attention. The school motto, Challenging the Mind, Encouraging the Heart, aptly captures the spirit and goals of The Prosper Valley School.

Though it has fewer than 1,000 residents, Pomfret has its own ski hill, Suicide Six, home of one of the first ski tows in the U.S. Owned by the nearby Woodstock Inn, Suicide Six hosts the oldest alpine trophy race in North America, the Fiske Trophy Race, considered a right of passage for eastern skiers who have their sites set on world-cup and Olympic glory. If you are a runner, you may want to join the Covered Bridges Half-Marathon, held in June each year that starts in Pomfret.

Local farms stands and pick-your-own orchards (Moore’s Orchard) provide plenty of fresh produce and flowers to Pomfret residents. Pomfret’s lush landscape is also home to Cloudland Farm, a family run farm that is intersected by the Appalachian Trail, which offers farm-to-table dining, grass-fed Angus beef, and other farm products available for sale right in the community. If you are looking for an investment property, you may join the ranks of B&B owners in Pomfret.

If you are looking for panoramic views, easy access to the outdoors, and privacy when you want it, let us show you some of the properties in beautiful Pomfret, VT. Give us a call today!


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