Property Details
Basic Information
- List Price: $248,000
- MLS Number: 4819521
- Foreclosure: No
- Building Number: 00
- Street: Christian Street
- Town: Hartford
- County: Windsor
- State: VT
- Zip: 05001
- District: Hartford School District
- Junior High: Hartford Memorial Middle
- High School: Hartford High School
- Area: VT-Windsor
- Square Feet: 2,517,768
- Acreage: 57.8
- Zoning: MULT
- Road Frontage: 720
Utilities and Appliances
Utilities and Appliances
- Electric: At Street, Other
- Sewer: Other
Other Details
Legal and Finance
- Assessment Year: 2019
- AVM: Yes
- Docs Available: Deed, Survey, Tax Map
- Tax Reduction: Yes
- Broker Name: The Clerkin Agency, P.C.
- Agent Name: DeFelice
- Status: ACT
- CurrentUse: Development Potential, Recreation, Residential, Timber
- Delayed Showings: No
- Number of Photos: 5